Friday, April 8, 2011

IWST v1.4: This weekend

Version 1.4 is ready for release this weekend but I am trying to roll in a few bug fixes.  Spring finally decided to show up so I've been busy with yard work and tiling my fireplace so I apologize.  Otherwise I could have had the new version out earlier this week.  I will elaborate on the new updates but I'm at my real job right now, shhhh.

Update: As promised, I am about to get a new screen shot and upload the new version.  The new updates include sorting capabilities based on release date, rating, or movie name (ascending or descending as well).  These are found in preferences and only affect the home screen.  At this point, I am expecting the sort coming from to have a better relevance sorting (even if that relevance seems elusive at times).  I also added view selections on the home screen.  You can now select a drop-down icon and view all movies, watched movies, or unwatched movies.  In your preferences, you can also select which one will open by default.  I also address every single error I had seen in my error log.  A lot of them were being caught already but it should make some things more graceful.

Another Update:  So far I have seen a single error come in from the new version.  I have only seen it 5 times total from 2 different people.  It happens on the home screen and has something to do with the movie poster.  Oddly, it doesn't happen when searching for the movie or looking at its information, just when you get back to the home screen.  I have done my darnedest to replicate the error but can't seem to do it.  Deleting files in the background, loading a few dozen movies into my list, etc.  If anyone comes across an error, it would help if you let me know via email or reply to this post.  Please include the movie(s) you had in your list and generally what you were doing when it happened.  I'd also like to know if it happens every time you open the application (if it goes away if you close and reopen).  Thanks in advance to anyone that is able to help.